Monday, March 31, 2008


Ok. I've had enough. Do I really need to include an ENTIRE gender into the category of stupid people? Yah and obviously not talking about myself. Really. It seems to me that it is coming to that. I'm really starting to have a lot of doubt in the general population actually. Everything time I take a minute to look around, I am finding more and more idiots. I don't even need to look around, I just hear stories about the idiocy of people.

You it makes me understand why people are murders. But you know what's not cool, certian people scaring you about other certian people being "murders". Yah not cool.

Hm...can't wait to get my car washed on Wednesday. It's really dirty. I think I might dump some more garbage in it tomorrow. Wonder how hard it is to get mustard out of car seats? Or maybe bubble gum?

ON A SIDE NOTE: definately just bought my WONDERFUL ray bans today. Which I think I really deserved. Yes they were purchaged with money that I don't actually have, but hey isn't that what credit cards are for? I think so. I think that whenever you encounter a stupid person, have a bad day, week, month, life - you should always treat yourself to something that really makes you happy. Even if that thing is a pastic pair of sun glasses.

Friday, March 28, 2008

the weekend is here!

So I'm going to try and not rant today, but that might be a little hard. I just wanted to make a goals for the weekend. First off, I am NOT going to drink too many "beverages" tonight. In the past, there have only been negative functional consequenes to the excessive consumption of certian "beverages".

Monday, March 24, 2008

once again, stupid people driving me crazy

Ok here is the thing. Stupid people are JUUUUHHHST stupid and really should be put on a deserted island all by themselves. I have just had enough. Today I went to a certain clothing store and the employees who were working the counter were obviously bashing the store. Um, hello you work there? Do you want to get fired? Well maybe I should call you boss and get you fired, cause that is what you deserve. Then I order some supper and they get my order wrong. So I phone to tell them and say that I can keep what I got and they will bring what I didn't get. So the delivery "boy" comes back and says "Uh, I'm supposed to take back whatever I gave you the first time." Um yah right. You just wanted to eat it. Do you think I didn't eat it, while I had to wait 1 hour and 20 mins for what I actually ordered? You stupid fuck. Wow. I just can't believe people. Yes I want to eat supper at 1130 at night, when you first came at 10. Bloody hell. Plus you are 30 and working as a delivery "boy" wow you are super cool. Ok not actually going to make fun of people who delivery things, but really. Ok I really am just ranting. But COME ON!!
Dealing with all these STUPID people is really starting to get on my nerves. Is there smart people even out there? Or do I only know, the only smart people out there? Did that make sense? Or am I just stupid. If I am, send me to the island I guess. But I want to live by myself and not with these idiots.

Friday, March 21, 2008

stupid people + smelly fruit + fryable vaginas = not really sure, but definately not a good time

Is the majority of the population out there just getting stupider, or am I just getting smarter!? I think it has to be a combination of both, OK just kidding about me getting smarter. But really, why am I having to deal with all these dim-witted, unintelligent losers! You are driving me NUTS! I just can't take it any more. Everyday someone has to either make the worlds stupidest comments or asks the stupidest questions. I've had enough. Therefore, it's payback time. Hey it is only your fault you are that bloody stupid. And I have now given you fair warning. So if you ask one more stupid question or just plain annoy me you getting it. You wanna know what you are going to get? Well you are going to get the worlds most smelly fruit, nicely smashed and strategically placed in your car. How's that for you? Well I hope I suits you just fine, and I hope it really smells. I also hope that the smell never leave your car. In fact I hope that the smell spreads to your perfect hair and make you smell, FOREVER. Oh I am not mean on purpose, but really you deserve it. Or you can have the alternative. Put on a deserved island with people who are just as stupid as you are. Oh and you will also be sterilized so you can't procreate. You know this could have all been avoided, if you would have just kept your big mouth shut. Well you didn't. And now you have to be punished. Thanks for ruining my life. Awesome. I'm so glad I have to associate with you. For now....

Saturday, March 15, 2008

things that are stupid...seriously.

#1: Sports. What good are they? You can fall onto a jagged piece of glass, break your leg in half, get stabbed by a hockey stick, or break your nose because you ran into someones foot.

#2: Rules. WTF. Who is the maker of these rules anyways? And then they go and make a web site to post these 'so called' rules on. Yah whatever, you clearly don't have a life.

#3: Girls who wear too little clothes. Seriously if you wanted me to see you ass, you might as well have just worn nothing. I don't need to see what kind of underwear you are wearing either. Don't even get my started about stupid girls showing off their tits. Just put a shirt on already.

#4: Parking patrol. Who the fuck do you think you are? Seriously. Again with the rules, you can't park here, can't park there...oh you can but you have to pay. What is with that too? Paying to park your car? What the fuck. Apparently just being in space costs money. Soon they will start charging to walk down the street, or sit in class.

#5: Non-local beer. What is even the point. There are some premium local brewing compaines and if you choose to not support them, I suggest you move to the US. They are a lot of crap ass beverages they like to call "beer". If you don't drink local, I don't think we can be friends. That's right 'certian someone', you've been cut out (see #1 and #2 as well).

#6. Hip Hop at Lo Pub. WTF! What were you thinking?!

Friday, March 14, 2008

mr. oizo says bloody hell

Ok this is to the IDIOTS that live underneath me. You wanna play games, well bring it. It's on. Fuck you. I hate you. You stay up all bloody hours of the night, oh wait did I say night, I mean the freakn' morning. Yes, you stayed up until about 3:30-4:00 this morning. You know what you are going to get now. My big fucking speaker on the floor with some mr. oizo. Yah that's right. I hope you're sleeping real nice you fuckers. Oh wait did you just wake up, oh yes you did. And what are you doing now at 9:30 in the bloody morning, you are fucking TALKING SO FUCKING LOUD. And how many of you LOSERS live down there?! It's a one bedroom apartment. I hear AT LEAST five different voices. Yah if I can tell EXACTLY what you are saying, and who is saying it, you are talking a little to loudly. ALSO, I've lived in this building for almost seven years, and I have NEVER heard anyone else, until you assholes moved in. AND, could you smoke anymore? Sometimes it feels like I have a fucking smoke in my hand, but no that's just from you losers. Also, what the fuck are you banging around all the time?! Chairs, yourselves, bricks? Who the fuck knows. Wow, can you tell I'm a little pissed. Yah well I am. Fuck this. You are getting a complaint. Ha, I hope you get kicked out and have to live on the street. Yah I hope you stay up real nice and late tonight cause you are getting some really nice mr. oizo at around 8 am. Sleep tight little buddies. For now...
While some of us are dreaming about "monderately animated eyebrows", the rest of us are

Thursday, March 13, 2008

i've had enough of people wasting my time.

I feel like lately people have been wasting my time. It is really necessary to sit and listen to someone talk about nothing? Or is necessary to sit around and talk about how we feel?! Hell no. There are so many better things that I could be doing, but no. I have to sit and listen to these idiots talk about absolutely nothing. Do people actually feel better about themselves, watching my life waste away? Is this what I have to look forward to in my life? Cause if the majority of people out there like to waste my time, I am NOT in.

Secondly. The following items are back, with a vengeance! (no matter what anyone says).

1. High Fives. Don't give me that "fist" nonsense. The only way to express awesomeness is by utilizing the high five.

2. Not listening in class. Why would you ever do that?! Do teachers ever have anything good to say anyway? No.

3. High top sneakers. Why not? Functional, fabulous, and fantastic.

4. Cucumber sandwiches. Just a good time. I'm going to eat them all the time. Especially with vinegar and salt.

5. Stupid people. Will you just shut the hell up. If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all.

5. Going out on Friday nights. What was I thinking last term. Just the best time ever. Well expect when I drink. Wait I mean I don't drink. Ever.


Monday, March 10, 2008

in an uncomplicated world, this would make sense right?

Well it has taken a while but I am finally going to post something. Over the last few days quite a lot has happened, but I care to forget most of it.

However there was one thing that makes it all worth it. Leaving notes for stupid people. Who do people think they are? I'm talking about people who think it is okay to leave their cars running. Not just little cars, but HUGE ASS SUVs. WTF. Do you not have a soul? Well you must not because you want to destroy the environment even more, so there is nothing left for your children. That my friends was the gist of a note that was left on a stupid person's car. I just don't understand how people can think is this okay. I have issues with big SUVs to begin with, and then you go and leave your stupid vehicle running while in the store. Just pathetic.

I have learned a few things this weekend and believe that others should learn from my past experiences. When going out with your friends, here are a few handy tips to keep in mind:

1. Having a beer chugging contest is never a good idea. Especially when the prize for winning is just another drink.

2. Mixing alcohol is always a bad idea. And the whole "beer after liquor never been sicker, blah blah" whatever it is just doesn't work. You should only consume one type of alcohol and stick to it, no matter what! Also mixing "herbal" substances when drinking, is an equally bad time.

3. Cameras when alcohol is being consumed = a bad time.

4. Being the DD is always the smartest idea when going out. You get to see all the hilarity and have no embarrassing stories the next day, just funny ones of all the drunks.

5. AND lastly NOTHING GOOD EVER HAPPENS AFTER 2 AM. It's is just better to go home. Believe me.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

I've made a huge mistake.

Sometimes you do things that weren't neccessarily a good idea.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

winnipeg drivers. who do you think you are.

Lately I have been noticing the poor driving abilities of Winnipegers. As you know, I do have quite a problem with the way people park, but today it was comfirmed how terrible people really are.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

oh where to where has by good buddy gone?

Well here I am sitting all by myself. Awaiting someone's phone call. :( Just making me sweat it out she is. At least someone is handing in their skills assignment tomorrow. And that somebody is writing this stupid blog and not out having some sort of "good time".

But let me tell you what is a good time. Ray ban sunglasses. Today I dropped into the mall to go tothe bank and was somehow "drawn" towards the sunglass place. Well I have never been sooooo tempted to drop 181$ in my life. It was like these glasses were made for me. They are so beautiful. I thought that if I left the mall without them I might die. Well I did not get my shades, and now that I am writing about them I want them even more. Oh dear. I have to browse ebay right now. Ah. I need to have them. Dying. Slow death. Must have glasses. Save me.

Completely. Who says that...a loser that's who. j/k.

You know what else is stupid? 830 class. COME ON!!!!!!

why can't i spend 181$ on new sunglasses?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

rock band sure doesn't rock when you are puking

Today was sure interesting. Espeically when I was tricked by a certain someone, into going to their house after clinical. So was supposed to be helping her fix her blog, but some how ended up playing a wee bit o rock bank. (I may have suggested it, but I think I was tricked).

Anyways. Someone then had the idea of putting a certain alcoholic beverage into our slurpees. That same someone then decided that it was a good idea to down there "cups" of wine. Rock bank was then continued and then some barfing did occur. I don't want to name this certain someone but I'm pretty sure a few of you will be able to just figure it out.

to be continued..

Well it is now 10:42 and yet more excitment has occured. I won't get into the details of the evening, but lets me tell you there was no positive outcomes. Basically I have come to the conclusion that I am something really fucking stupid. Do you ever get the feeling that everything is moving really fast and you are still stuck in first gear? Well that is how I was feeling tonight. Wow that was WAY TOO serious for my blog.

Monday, March 3, 2008

So I have started this daily blog at the request of my good buddy Jenell. I highly recommend reading both of our blogs together as it will provide hours of good hearty entertainment. In about five years Jenell and I are going to publish our blogs. In saying this, you will want to be part of our exciting and fascinating lives.

Random story of the day: Well this is more of a daily rant. Lately Jenell and I have noticed a trend regarding parking. I always thought that parking wasn't very difficult. (Keep in mind I am NOT talking about parallel parking). You are provided with nice yellow lines to guide you. And usually there is other cars that are parked beside you to also aid with parking. But still people seem to think that they can take up 2-3 parking stalls. This is especially true with large trucks. Just because you drive some monstrous big ass truck, it does not give you the right to practice poor parking skills. In response to these TERRIBLE people, Jenell and I (as well as Christine, but not necessarily because she wants to) have started leaving "nice friendly" notes about their parking skills. Now, if you have received one of our "nice friendly" notes it was probably well deserved. Our new goal in life is to do away with these "evil dooers". Bloodly hell juuuuhhst learn to park dammit.

Ok so here are some examples of notes that are left for the worlds worst drivers:

1. Where the fuck did you learn to park? You're lucky it's Valentine's Day and I'm in a good mood. Learn to park.

2. Where the fuck did you learn to park? Are you a boy? You must be. Only boys drive stupid big trucks in the city. I hope you don't have a nice day.